Death Valley titokzatos vándorló kövei

Mai napig rejtély, hogy egy kő, melynek súlya egy ember súlyával közel azonos, hogyan tud saját maga mozogni. A Halálvölgy titokzatos vándorló kövein észrevették, hogy elmozdulnak emberek által nem lakott területeken. Ezeket a völgyeket megszáradt, repedéses sár borítja nyáron, és jég télen. Több geológus is érkezett és vizsgálja a jelenséget  Az évek során minden kő a maga "útját járja": némelyik egyenes vonalban, mások, ívet írnak le.....

It is one big mystery that a stone that weighs more or less like a man can move on its own. This has become quite a puzzle for the past decade. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley have been discovered to slide over valleys that people do not live in. These valleys are filled with dry cracking muddy ground during summer and ice during winter. Many geologists have gone to all the places in Racetrack Playa and its surrounding.
The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley are a magnificent phenomenon in the sense that they can take different turns around each other. This is mind challenging because the mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley start moving in a parallel direction.

As the years proceed, each stone takes its own different path. Some stones make linear turns others make oval turns while others create a wavy shape on their tracks. No one has ever seen them move and nobody knows the speed they move with. The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley turn while they are sliding through the flat leveled valley and this leaves different tracks behind them. Some stones move further than others over two to five years.


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